Monday, March 7, 2011

Blog Assignment 8

This is how we dream
       This video shows that people are more abiding by their laptops to use for everything such as to read books, or to compose books or articles. It shows me that soon, computers will be used for a lot of things as to now when paper and pencil are more predominately being used. Using computers for more things such as computer articles or simply just composing an extended piece of an article from a news story is what is starting to happen in many different areas in the world.
        People are now wanting to share their ideas to allow many different people to access them, but to also give these people the chance to learn from one another. Sharing ideas of writing, teaching styles, and of internet programs is helping many people to share with people not only in the United States but also around the world.
        I like this idea because of the way that people are getting the chance to learn many different things from many different people around the world. Allowing ideas to be shared gives people the chance to see different ideas maybe in a way that was never seen before. This is a way to learn how to allow the ideas of one person to be shared with another.

The Chipper Series
EDM 310 for dummies
       I think the primary purpose of both of these videos is to keep up with your work and to not fall behind. I also think that the class does not need to overwhelm you with the work, but just to keep up with the work.

Learn to change, change to learn!
       This video talks about the many changes in the world of education, and that the world of education is changing every day. The educators that are focused on in the video, are talking about the many changes that are happening and how people need to be aware of this, and how it is helping to change the world.

The Secret Powers of Time
     This video talks about how some people are focused on the past, the present, and the future. The people who focus on the past are focused on the things that went wrong or regret. The people who are focused on the present are focused on the things that are happening now and the things that are happening around them. The people who are focused on the future are worried about what is going to happen and what will happen. I try to worry about the present and just getting through each day that comes.

The Surprising Truth about what motivates us
      This video talks about what motivates us. The video talks about the different tasks that people are either asked to do or perform, and what is the motivation behind these tasks.


  1. Hey Alicia. I loved reading your feedback from the videos. I agree with all of what you said, in the This is How We Dream video it showed me computers are being used for a lot of different things too. I enjoyed this video also. Hope you are enjoying this class as much as I am and learning about technology!

  2. Hey Alicia,

    Your point of view on the videos was good. I liked your feedback on This is How We Dream the most. Education is going more towards computer based ways of teaching, its hard to think sometimes the way we learned as children is no longer a updated way. However, there are bonuses of going towards computer less money spent on books, paper, and pencils. You did a great job! Keep it up.

  3. Alicia! I'm so glad I get to comment on yours! This is very good and I'm happy to read your ideas on everything! Keep up the good work!
