Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Assignment 3

Micheal Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
This is a very true example of how students are today. This video made me think that although sometimes school can be very hard and stressful, it will be worth it in the end when I am able to get a job that I love. . I agree with many of the things that were said in the video because it is how a college student lives in today's society.

"It's not about the technology" by Kelly Hines
In today's society technology is not the only way that a teacher can teach their students. Every child is different and they all learn in very different ways.
Before 10 years ago, many of the forms of technology were not available teachers had to still use the chalkboard and students had to listen and learn. This concept should still be used today to show that even though technology is evolving, that the old ways of learning are still useful.

Karl Fisch: Is it ok to be a technologically illiterate teacher?
I think it is ok to be a technologically illiterate teacher with a willingness to learn. If a teacher is willing to admit that they are not up to speed with technology then they should be willing to say that they are willing to learn more.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count
This shows me that every second a form of technology is just being discovered and is being used by some one in the world. This just shows me that when I become a teacher that their will be many new forms of technology that I will have to get up to speed with and become comfortable with using.
I do not think that this is a bad thing for the world, I just think that in order to do this right that every teacher must be willing to learn because technology is growing every day.

1 comment:

  1. You say, "If a teacher is trying to teach, and students are allowed to bring their laptops to school, some students will only get on their laptops to do anything but their classwork."

    This is, in my opinion, the worst anti-technology-in-the-classroom argument of all time. Whether a student has a computer in front of them or not, if a class is boring, a student will not pay attention. Take yourself back to a technology-free classroom that you have been a part of. Did you ever find yourself doodling on a piece of paper or staring at a wall and twiddling your thumbs vs. paying attention?

    You don't have to have technological tools to create an effective learning environment, but it's unfair to say the these tools make for a distracting one.
